Clear Fire Hydrants for Your Home Fire Safety
By PIO Doug Alexander
January 1, 2025

As the town and region prepares for the winter's snow storms, the MAVFC asks that residents and business operators make sure that fire hydrants on their street, and in front of their homes and businesses, are cleared of snow and ice when these storms occur. Firefighting water is critical, and access to hydrants is difficult when there are snow piles or uncleared hydrants. Citizens are asked to make an extra effort to be sure hydrants are uncovered so we can see them as well as have access to them. An area of approximately 5 feet should be cleared on all sides of the hydrant. Remember to never throw the snow into the street. Please keep sidewalks and driveways as clear as possible so emergency units may access your home or business in case of a fire or medical emergency.

MAVFC is prepared to handle incidents during the snow events and would like to thank all those who help us to respond in these storms, especially the state, county, and town roads crews who make sure we can get to incident scenes and in and out of the station! We also appreciate the assistance we receive from Carroll County Emergency Management in keeping us abreast of weather events and changing conditions.