Mount Airy Volunteer Fire Company Juniors Program
By 1st Vice President Thomas Walters
February 11, 2018

The Mount Airy Volunteer Fire Company's Juniors Program is now accepting applications for membership from our community youth, between the ages of twelve and fifteen, who wish to learn about firefighting and emergency medical services.

Members of the MAVFC Juniors will learn skills in leadership, teamwork and being a first responder. Juniors participate in fundraising activities (breakfasts, dinners, annual carnival), training activities, work details and company meetings. Participants may also receive community service hours for some activities.

Meetings and training are held at the MAVFC Fire Station, 702 N.Main Street.

For additional information, please call (301) 523-4992 or email

Attachment Junior Application 2018.doc  (26k)
Attachment Junior Parental Consent 2018 .doc  (26k)
Attachment Junior Rules and Regulations 2018 .doc  (31k)
Attachment Juniors Flyer.docx  (462k)